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HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...Using Survey & ...Using Survey & ...prefilling survey answer using the survey url / picking up ID via POSTprefilling survey answer using the survey url / picking up ID via POST
New Post
5/19/2015 11:41 AM

I'd like to know whether Survey Project enables me to prefill an answer using the survey URL. 

I.E.: In Limesurvey, each question has a unique number (the SGQA identifier). You can prefill the answer for this question using the URL. For example, if the SGQA == 1700X1X5, you can prefill the answer for this question by changing the URL with the parameter 1700X1X5=<VARIABLE>

Is Survey Project capable of doing something like this?

New Post
5/19/2015 10:23 PM

There's no option to do this through the survey url.

If you can explain how and why (what situation) you want to be able to prefill answers to a question maybe we can advise on what other feature of SP might have the effect you are looking for (e.g. there a piping option to prefill answers based on answers to previous questions).

New Post
5/21/2015 1:04 PM

I'll explain.

I have an application, in which I gather a lot of information (filled in by our employees). The information is stored to our local database and has a unique ID (for example: 1001, 1002, 1003 etc.). 

I am not able to add a survey in this application. However, I am able to send my users to a website (or, in this case, the survey). I'd like to be able to "link" the application to the survey, using the before mentioned unique ID. If I'd be able to put the ID in "POST" (HTML) or in the URL (as before mentioned) and store them in a survey answer (using prefilling), I'd be able to link them in my database using "Information.ID == Survey.ID", so to speak.

This is the main concept of prefilling, and Limesurvey supports it. I'd like to know if you can support this as well.

New Post
5/22/2015 10:51 AM


One way to solve this would be to make use of the menu Designer/ Answer Type Editor feature of SP:

- create a new answertype
- option Use a Datasource, select Sql Query

Next write a sql query to connect to your database and select the data you want to use in the survey/ answers.

After creating the answertype, create the survey, add question/ answer --> select the new answertype incl. sql.; the answer will now contain a dropdownlist of selected data (depending on your query).

Through "piping" you can add answers to previous questions to the sql of the answer type. E.g. add a where clause to the query to catch the piping result.

Another option to add (external) data to answers is by making use of: 

*you can specify special values that will be replaced at runtime into the text value :

This can be set on answerlevel (Edit answers).

I hope there are the solutions you are looking for.

HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...Using Survey & ...Using Survey & ...prefilling survey answer using the survey url / picking up ID via POSTprefilling survey answer using the survey url / picking up ID via POST