Survey Project Membership

Membership & Contributions

Come and join the Project!


Suppose you really like what you see, you're enthusiastic, inspired and full of ideas on how to contribute to this project, the sources, the tool, the websites, helpfiles, translations, design, graphics anything you can think of...

Don't hesitate and come and join us to make a difference.

What does it take..

- Be a team player, nice & polite, sharp and observing, questioning and critical but always in a positive and constructive way.
- Communicate much and often with the other team members.
- Share your thoughts. Don't be single minded. Discuss your ideas regularly.

And that's it! It's not just a matter of coding bits and bytes. Any community needs support on all levels. You can become a regular supporter, an avid user of the tool sharing your experiences through the forums. Register at this site now and show up on the world wide members map below.

[Check this Code of Conduct]

Become a Project Teammember

Besides general support the project may need some specific talents and expertise as well to make this a flourishing community and succesful project. Do you have the skills we're looking for? 

Check this great article also.

Send us a brief note on the skills and experience you could bring to the project and tell us a little about your goals, ideas or motivation to join.

 Will let you know as soon as possible if we think we've got a match!

Teammember Benefits
- You will have access to the intranet pages of this site where each projectteam is facilitated to cooperate and communicate more easily (separate forums, documentsharing, mailing, memberlists).
- Teammembers who actually contribute in any form will get recognition through the project sites (Community or Github).
- And of course there's the satisfaction of becoming part of a growing community of like minded people 'on a mission!'

Membership Membership:
Latest New User Latest: Doug
Past 24 Hours Past 24 Hours: 0
Prev. 24 Hours Prev. 24 Hours: 0
User Count Overall: 574

People Online People Online:
Visitors Visitors: 25
Members Members: 0
Total Total: 25

Online Now Online Now:
