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HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...DevelopmentDevelopmentUsing Survey Data Upon SubmissionUsing Survey Data Upon Submission
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5/8/2018 11:37 PM
I need to respond to survey data when users submit. Specifically I need to create a PDF dynamically based on the survey data, and then send it as an email.

I'd like to know if there is some sort of hook I can take advantage of in order to accomplish this.

New Post
5/9/2018 12:24 PM

You can try to make use of:

- Results/ Reports/ Voter report (questions and answers submitted by the individual respondent)
- Print the voter report  -> to PDF
- send mail and include pdf as attachment

Another option would be to let the respondent print/ save (to pdf) the results themselves after submitting the survey by making use of the Completion/ Redirection URL option (point it to the results report url) see integrated helpfiles also.

HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...DevelopmentDevelopmentUsing Survey Data Upon SubmissionUsing Survey Data Upon Submission