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HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...DevelopmentDevelopmentAuthenticationAuthentication
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4/19/2010 8:50 PM

I would like to use Windows authentication for my Survey site but I am having some trouble getting it setup properly and even more trouble finding the documentation on how to set it up. After I setup windows authentication for the website / web.config / etc...  I get the following message "You must be authentified as a survey user to access these features.".

Could someone point me in the right direction on how to set this all up? I would like to be able to "assign" a windows user to a specific right and or specific survey if possible (just like users under administration).

New Post
4/20/2010 12:06 AM


Although these instructions are meant for Nsurvey 2.* they might help you in the right direction: 

One other option would be to use the Security option and set it to use the security add in: "This addin will check if the user is logged in using the security context and store his username on answers submission"

Kind regards,

New Post
3/9/2011 6:57 PM


The link you provide as a solution to the problem is a dead link!

I'm having the same problem where when i set the authentication mode to Windows, i get the message "You must be authentified as a survey user to access these features."

How do i get round this issue?

Regards, Shuja

New Post
9/22/2011 10:03 PM


Have you figured this out?


New Post
9/23/2011 7:12 PM
HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...DevelopmentDevelopmentAuthenticationAuthentication