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HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...Helpfiles & Doc...Helpfiles & Doc...New documentation on Using the SP SurveyBox Webcontrol on 3d Party WebsitesNew documentation on Using the SP SurveyBox Webcontrol on 3d Party Websites
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9/14/2014 1:25 PM
Published at the project website at 2014-09-14: new documentation on adding SP™ to 3d party sites.

It's a detailed description and general explanation of the working of the SP Surveybox webcontrol and the options to incorporate and integrate SP front end features into the 3d party webapplications.
HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...Helpfiles & Doc...Helpfiles & Doc...New documentation on Using the SP SurveyBox Webcontrol on 3d Party WebsitesNew documentation on Using the SP SurveyBox Webcontrol on 3d Party Websites