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5/21/2015 5:15 PM

I'd like to start by saying that this project is pretty awesome. 

My question is if there's a way to do a repeatable section, rather than a single repeatable question. example: on question 1, there is a repeatable question that allows the survey taker to add what classes they are currently taking in school, up to 10. 

On the next page, we would like to gather more information about each class. If they added 7 classes, then loop the section 7 times. The questions are of the nature... "How they are enjoying each class," "what room number," "thoughts about what could be done in the future," etc... It is enough specific information that I would prefer to avoid crunching it all into a single question that is loop-able, as opposed to separate questions. Answer piping would also be ideal here, so that each class they added in the previous question could be displayed at the top... otherwise the user has to keep track of which ones they've entered and which ones they haven't, and what order they entered them for question 1. 

Is this currently possible? If not, I can lump everything into a single repeatable question, but it'll look a little silly since you can't add section headers in the middle of a single question. Unless there was an unselectable "static text" answer type, which would open up a lot of styling options and be much less confusing to the user. 

Thanks in advance!

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5/22/2015 2:07 PM


SP doesnt have the option to create repeatable sections as you describe them. Also piping multiple answers from one repeatable questions answers to another is not possible.

You could however create a new answertype e.g. StaticAnswerText to be able to create "section headers" in between answeroptions. 

Answer type: 
- field entry
- set width / height/ length
- do not show in results
- add javascript to set field to disabled or read only:

 $(document).ready(function () 
$("textarea").prop('readonly', true);

Now when you create a question and multiple answers, you add an answer with the StaticAnswerType, dont add answertext, only set default answertext to create sections headers.

Hope this helps to solve the issue.

Thanks for letting us know you like the tool, thats nice to hear.

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