Survey Project Features

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Multi Languages & Localisation
o Multi-language surveys
o Add/ edit language files
o Localisation options
o EN, NL, DE, TR, FR

Question & Answertypes
o Based on Answertypes
o e.g. Slider, Address, SQL
o Answertype Editor
o Use of Jquery, RegEx

Logic & Conditions
o Skip logic & Branching
o Answer piping
o Conditional Messages
o Score calculation

Security & Access
o Role based user access
o Survey security add ins
o Token & IP filters
o Open & Closed surveys

Campaign & Mailing
o Invitation mailing & status
o Friendly URL & direct link
o Notification mails
o Take survey Access

Statistics & Reports
o Basis survey statistics
o Respondent details &  report
o Reports & filters
o File management

Import & Export
o Import/ export results
o Import/ export survey (xml)
o Import User accounts
o Q/A import/ export

Layout & Design
o Text/html CKEditor
o Create CSS selectors option
o Custom CSS per survey
o Survey header/ footer editor
Main Features of the Webapplication

Installation and management

- Costs: it's 100% FREE
- Restrictions: none, no limitations on use or available features.
- Sourcecode fully available (development)
- Standard .NET webapplication
- Web based administration tool and surveys
- Main survey/ webform control is easily adjusted (developement)
- Xml based multi languages support  (English, German, Dutch, French etc ...)

Survey Creation & Administration

- Multi pages survey support
- User accounts and roles management
- Page navigation options (previous / next)
- User can save in between progress and resume it later on (automatic or manual)
- Complete multi-languages support for both surveys and the webapplication
- Several multi-language detection options (prompt-list, user agent, cookie, session, querystring)
- Skip logic to hide questions based on users answers
- Conditional branching rules based on answers, scores ... (if answer = x on question one, go to question four)  
- Conditional "thank you" messages based on answers, scores, user language ...
- Rules can be based on Equals, Contains, Greater, Less than conditions
- Survey can be ended using a branching rule
- Opening / closing date can be set on survey
- Clone existing surveys (creates new copy)
- Monthly statistics on survey (nr of voters, unanswered, times shown etc)
- Ability to stop the survey when a number of entries have been reached
- Uploaded files can be directly exported to the server
- URL Redirection on survey completion
- Scored surveys to create quizzes, tests
- Set progress display mode (percentage, page number or none)
- Copying existing questions from another survey or a question library
- Surveys import / export features (XML files)
- Questions import / export features (XML files)
- Customizable Question Library for most used questions

Survey Formbuilder Features

- Expandable "plugin" based architecture for question and answer types (developers)
- Questions can be build / composed using any available and combination of answer types
- Questions can be set as "repeatable" to let users duplicate them at will
- Repeatable question's answers can be fully shown or shown as a grid
- WYSIWYG question editor (html/ text)
- Radio button selection mode
- Check box selection mode
- Dropdown list selection mode
- Static Free text question
- Single or multiple selections matrix questions
- XML answer "feeder" provided out of the box with countries and many regions (us, ch, fr, de etc...) list
- SQL queries answer "feeder" to use existing data / tables from the database
- Publisher / Subscriber model to generatea  set of answers on the fly based on other answers values
- Selection answer types (selection, selection+other)
- Free text field answer types
- Basic, email, required, large, password field types
- WYSIWYG editor (html/ text) field types
- File upload field types
- Complex answer types eg : calendar, file upload, boolean (yes/no)
- Set questions default selections
- Set answers default text values for fields
- Value 'piping' from session, querystring, cookies or server variable
- Answer 'piping' from previous page answers or questions
- 'Regular Expressions' library
- Set Regular Expressions rules per answer types
- Set a mandatory rules per answer type
- Cross browser compatible client side or server side validation of entries
- Define minimum / maximum mandatory selection answers
- Assign points to answers (available if survey score option has been activated)

Results reporting

- Graphical Bar chart results (2D/ 3D)
- Graphical Pie chart results (2D/ 3D)
- Graphical Bubble chart results (2D/ 3D)
- Graphical Column chart results (2D/ 3D)
- HTML chart results
- Detailed individual voter reports
- Receive individual results on each completion through email
- Admin account can modify/edit each individual report
- Create conditional rules to filter report results
- Cross tabulation results
- Filter results by voter's languages
- Set specifics date range for the results
- CSV export of results
- XML export of results
- User accounts can be configured to have only read access to the results

Survey Layout & Design

- Customizable (survey) header, footer design
- Customizable question, answer design
- Customizable matrix header, rows design
- Customizable error / information messages (XML)
- Customizable repeatable sections options

- CSS editor to add/ edit custom CSS files or edit default CSS
- CSS XML editor to set exact CSS rules on all details of the surveyform

Distribution & Deployment

- Surveyform 'webcontrol' that can be used in any .aspx page
- Online link (Url) to the survey and option to create friendly url
- Create & Send Email invitations including url and/or access code
- Mailing status: pending/validated 
- Mailing Error log to track mailing errors


- Single or multiple users and roles support
- Can be integrated in any existing security infrastructure through the "user provider" model
- 30+ different (role) rights available to secure each single survey feature for each of your users
- Extensive security addins architecture e.g.:
* Cookie and IP security addins to prevent double submissions
* Protect your survey with a password security addin or a "thank you" message
* context security addin ( forms , Windows authentication etc...)
* Restrict survey entry on email invitation code
* Restrict survey entry to internal survey users you've created
- Survey can be hidden if no addins has been successfully authentified
- Import tool to import your own list of users


- Microsoft Windows (Client or Server) Platform
- IIS Webserver
- Microsoft SQL Server Database
- .NET Framework
- Smtp mail server or mailaccount
- Webbrowser (Chrome, Firefox, MS IE/ Edge)

- Development : Visual Studio (Enterprise or Community)