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3/21/2018 7:30 AM

I want to add a button to get user back to a previous page. How can I do that (with or without survey settings/jquery)?


On page 3, question 10: Do you want to check question 5?
.... If the participant choose "yes" then the survey will back to page 2.

I can make it for forward pages via branching but couldnt any way to get previous page.


New Post
3/21/2018 9:43 AM

Skip logic and branching do not allow moving backwards (as you've noticed.)

To page back to previous pages /questions enable the Survey/ settings/ previous/ nextpage navigation (checkbox)..

Jquery options would need further investigation (analysis, programming/ testing) and can be ordered separately (send us a mail).

Options to add backward skip logic as a (new) default feature of SP can be submitted as an new "feature request" (create issue) throught the SP Github website (click menu Downloads/ SurveyProject).

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