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11/30/2017 8:47 PM

I want to calculate a participant BMI (body mass index) with the numbers chosen and show the BMI score in next question. How can I do that?

Question1: Choose your height from the list (there is xml file between 140-210cm)
                     defined "height" as pipe alias for this answer

Question2: Choose your weight from the list (there is xml file between 40-180kg)
                     defined "weight" as pipe alias for this answer

Question3: This is your BMI score is ..... (There will be only one chosen option shows BMI score)

I need to do this: BMI=weight/height*height
New Post
12/1/2017 12:02 PM

You would need a (java/ jquery) script to do the calculation. The script can be added to a newly created answertype (menu Designer/ Answer Type Editor). Next add an answer with the answertype including the calculation script to the "results"-question.

If you're interested the solution (jquery) could be created and ordered through the SP Business Services. A formal quote including price details will be sent beforehand to get your confirmation.  Just send a quick note to
New Post
12/3/2017 5:30 PM
I got an email about your BMI calculator example. That is what I need but it is too expensive for me (1euro = 4.7tl).

I have no enough budget for it. Maybe a little discount will help me.

I just sent you the .sql file I edited.
HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...Using Survey & ...Using Survey & ...Basic calculation in a surveyBasic calculation in a survey