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HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...Using Survey & ...Using Survey & ...Custom answer type for redirect to external web siteCustom answer type for redirect to external web site
New Post
6/15/2015 6:28 PM

I'm looking into SP too see if it fits my needs here...And I have some questions:

1. Is there a way so that I can make a custom answer type that redirects the user to an external web site for some processing of the data entered in my survey form?

2. ...And if so: Can it be done without modifying the SP source code?

New Post
6/15/2015 10:27 PM


Based on your description it's not entirely clear what you have in mind. 

The following scenario is not possible without making code changes:

-  the respondent will answer several question through the SP survey first 
- on answering question nr. x  there will be a redirect to an external site ;
- all previous answers through the SP survey will be taken along to the external site to be processed externally;
- etc.....
[possibly return to the SP survey, next continue and submit all answers?]

New Post
6/16/2015 10:43 AM

Yes that's pretty much the scenario that I had in mind. Thanks for the answer!


HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...Using Survey & ...Using Survey & ...Custom answer type for redirect to external web siteCustom answer type for redirect to external web site