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HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...DevelopmentDevelopmentHow could I also save SQL dropdownlist's text?How could I also save SQL dropdownlist's text?
New Post
3/21/2017 6:07 AM

I found if the answer of survey is SQL answer type, it can only save dropdownlist's value in answertext column in vts_tbVoterAnswers table.

How could I also save dropdownlist's text?

New Post
3/27/2017 5:12 PM


As is explained on the Create Answertype Menupage: in case of SQL

*First two columns of query results will be used as the value and text in the dropdown list

You cannot save two different values at the same time.
- use the same field for both value and text
- concatenate the text and value fields into the value

select firstname, userid from vts_tbuser
select firstname, firstname from vts_tbuser
select firstname, firstname+convert(varchar,userid) from vts_tbuser

HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...DevelopmentDevelopmentHow could I also save SQL dropdownlist's text?How could I also save SQL dropdownlist's text?