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9/19/2017 12:53 PM
Hİ again,

I tried every suggestion just like you and the guide said but I couldn't manage work it.

I can see the login page without any lag or error. Can fill username and password as it is written in guide but can't go further. I failed and have no idea what is wrong.
New Post
9/20/2017 9:45 AM

I'm sorry to hear you can't get it fixed. It seems related to the Mssqlserver installation (which is not supported here)  however more information is needed (possibly screenshots) to be able to assist. What error do you see after trying to login?

If nothing works you could consider to do a complete reinstall (from scratch)?

New Post
11/26/2017 11:47 AM

I managed to see Survey screen (passed login page without any issue).

There is still some problem. As I mentioned before I face with seriour "scalar" problem.

I there any test release for take care of its?

New Post
11/26/2017 4:33 PM

I'm sorry to hear you're still experiencing issues. There is no test or development release available that deals with these issues. 

To get these issues priorized you can create a new "Issue" a the SP github site:

Submit as much information as possible. Once it's submitted it's available to be added to a future release.

New Post
11/27/2017 3:56 PM
Hi, (Windows 10 64bit, SQL Server 14 Management Studio)

I edited "SurveyProject_2.4_ExistingDBInstall_Mssql2014" file instance by instance. What I did?

Changed "userid"," userId","UserId" to "UserID"
Changed "voterid","voterId","VoterId" to "VoterID"
Changed "questionid","questionId","QuestionId" to "QuestionID"
Changed "alias","ALIAS" to "Alias".... etc.

I used Notepad++ (Find and Change function). Now, I can add, delete or edit anything I want. I can even export data or suverys as xml or csv format too.

The problem is clear: You must use the same phrase exactly in every string. Not like "userid or UserId or userID", just choose one of them. For example, I chose "UserID","VoterID"......

I hope that I could express it :)
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